Advocacy Webinar


On January 31, 2008 at 10:00 there will be a NYSHEI Webinar on Advocacy.

This will be an introductory session designed to fill you in on the “what,” “why” and “how” of issue-based advocacy.

Space will be limited to 25 participants, but additional webinars will be scheduled to meet the demands of NYSHEI members. To register send an email to, subject line “Jan 31 Webinar.” Preferential consideration will be given to any NYSHEI member who indicated a desire to participate in the webinar during the advocacy survey.

The webinar will provide a basic overview of what advocacy is, why it is done, and how individuals and organizations can be more success in their efforts. While specifically designed in support of NYSHEI’s goals, the information contained in the webinar will be appropriate for application on your campus or in your home community.

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